Vocational Program

The Yeshiva seeks to prepare students for life and a successful future. An integral part of that will be to make a Parnassa.
Over time, the opportunities and areas of skill that are offered in the Yeshiva have increased.
There are basic level skills that are taught and then as select individuals find an interest or develop a higher skill level in a particular area, that student may be offered a specific internship opportunity in that area. If a student shows an interest in that area of skill, he can work to increase his knowledge and skill level to earn an internship opportunity.
Vocational Opportunities
Initially, basic skills in: automotive, carpentry, electric, computers, sound equipment, painting, cooking, drafting software, plumbing, finance, public speaking, debating, first aid, art, music, investing, etc. are taught. Some students are identified with greater interest and promise in an area and further attention is offered to that student in that particular area of interest.
Initial skill development:
The students are assessed and divided by skill level into appropriate teams to focus their efforts on the fundamental skills necessary for each of the areas of learning. They may begin by taking out nails, straightening nails, and then progress onto nailing. They may move onto more advanced levels very quickly, depending on their skill set.
As available, a student may be offered to participate in a project that is happening and he might be able to learn from being involved in it. As a student progresses, he may be able to learn more advanced skills and may even be offered to supervise other students or even teach some skills to other students and feel proud of his advancement.
Determine the right direction:
The staff may direct a student towards increasing his skills in a particular area or vocation and direct him to more advanced classes or projects that will increase his skill set. We have had students who showed a lot of promise in artistic ability and they were given opportunities to monetize those skills, taken to see how others had advanced, meet with those people and ask them questions for advice, and then offered further areas to develop.
Vocational Interest Assessments:
The Yeshiva uses diagnostic assessments to determine the most probable fields that a student would find comfortable that would blend with his personality and interests. As a student advances, assessments are useful to clarify what are particular vocations to look into for his future. This has proven successful later in their career choices, even when earlier on they don’t think that they would ever choose that path.

Sparking an Interest
We have speakers come from a variety of occupations to speak about what they do and allow the students the opportunity to ask questions and then hear what it will take to pursue a career in that field. Many students who dream of a particular career path without understanding the groundwork that will be necessary to be successful in pursuing that career learn the importance of a strong foundation in the skills needed to get there. Those speakers reinforce the importance of high school education skills and beyond.
Motivational Speaker
One of the many speakers who have visited to share his experiences about success in the business world
Students learn stepwise and advance from level to level.
Every student gets a modified methodology, not a one-size-fits-all arrangement. We comprehend that everyone has his own interest, talents, skills, etc. We want to make sure that each one has basic knowledge in many areas and has the opportunity to learn each of those skills. We also want to help each student try out many areas and find what fits him best.
By the numbers, the effort:
- Reduced lead time by 73%
- Decreased variability by 80%
- Lowered the risk of reversal by 90%
- Increased success by 100%