We live in a place that has various seasons of summer all year. So we are in a tropical place that just going outside can be an interesting trip. Every day we are surrounded by fascinating weather, animals, birds, and people. People from all over the world travel to Miami and we get quite a few interesting guests. But we do travel quite a bit to interesting experiences and places. We go camping quite regularily, because we have numerous State parks within a few minutes of us. So when we do travel, it will be an experience. The Yeshiva has traveled up the Coast to NY, over a few weeks stopping at many places. We have flown to Barbados to help provide a Minyan for someone for a week. The list goes on.
Arcadia River
This was an amazing trip that we went on to go fossil hunting. It was in Florida, but hours away. Every part of it was so fun and interesting. We learned a lot, worked hard, and came back exhausted.
-Noach (Lakewood)
Camping Overnight
The weather is amazing in the winter and perfect for outdoor camping, Barbeques, hiking, etc. Sometimes near the ocean and other times near a river.
We went to Cape Canaveral where NASA launches the Challenger and met astronauts who traveled on them. We learned about space, rockets, the Moon, Mars, space travel, etc. and were able to ask them all kinds of questions.
Presidential Inauguration
Flew to Washington DC to the last Presidential Inauguration. It was Erev Shabbos, so we had to rush afterwards to where we were staying for Shabbos in Potomac, where we met quite a few interesting Jewish people over Shabbos who work in the area. Then we spent a few days touring.