I have been here in the Yeshiva for a week and I have enjoyed the davening each morning so much that I wish I could bring it home with me
What is so amazing is that these bochorim are learning Halacha L’Maaseh and I wish more people would follow their example
These bochorim are going to become leaders who will role model mentchlechkeit and love of yiddishkeit
These boys are amazing. Each has overcome great challenges in his life to become successful. They are role models to us all of what hard work and diligence can bring you
Testimonials Carousel
Rabbi Hillel David
I have been here in the Yeshiva for a week and I have enjoyed the davening each morning so much that I wish I could bring it home with me
Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef
What is so amazing is that these bochorim are learning Halacha L’Maaseh and I wish more people would follow their example
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Grossman
These bochorim are going to become leaders who will role model mentchlechkeit and love of yiddishkeit
Rabbi Aaron Kotler
These boys are amazing. Each has overcome great challenges in his life to become successful. They are role models to us all of what hard work and diligence can bring you
Lipa Schmeltzer
These are the most leibedige guys. I have been in the Yeshiva a few times and Shabbos has been unbelievable with singing, dancing, just geshmack and heartzig
Rabbi Yitzchok Goldstein
My shaychus with Rabbi and Rebbeitzin Salfer goes back to when the Yeshiva first opened. This is a geshmaka place and the guys are happy, really happy. My own nephew is a talmid here and be”H is getting Semicha. Truly amazing.