

There are various therapies that are offered and available. Speech therapy (in numerous languages: English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Spanish), Occupational therapy, ABA, Behavioral therapy, Counseling, Reading Instruction, Special Education staff to provide remediation, etc.

  • Speech Therapy:
    Some boys come with verbal challenges. It might be a challenge to be social, or expressing himself, or feeling embarrassed with how he sounds. It may be a challenge with speaking English. Speech therapy is offered in a number of forms, such as face to face, Zoom sessions, and software. TOKLA provides local therapists, as well as TOKLA therapists in other places. Therapy is available in Hebrew, Yiddish, English, Spanish, etc.
  • Occupational Therapy (OT):
    Based on the requirements of a student’s IEP, OT services are provided. Some may be offered in small groups and others are provided in a one-on-one setting. Coach David provides instruction and training for various skills and uses a lot of life skills such as laundry, hygiene, cleaning, and cooking as opportunities to teach fundamental needs to help train students to be independent.
  • ABA & Behavioral:
    Based on the student’s IEP, Behavioral Therapy is offered to help a student learn boundaries, consequences, rewards of life, goal setting, as well as other fundamental Executive Functions (prioritizing, self-talk, etc.). Fundamentally, the Yeshiva implements a Token Economy (point system) for all of the daily schedule and routine. If a student follows the rules and the daily schedule, he earns points which generate rewards to be used in the Canteen each week.
  • Counseling:
    Counseling is offered, both individually and in groups. Growing and developing is naturally challenging and the teenage years require a lot of guidance and question answering. A number of professionals in the school staff are available to work with students to help them through this journey to adulthood.

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